Still life with peonies

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The wind had made the heavily crowned peonies bow to the ground. I found them in the evening, with raindrops still attached. Carrying the freshness of the day, the clouds that passed in slow succession over the afternoon sky, the birds’ call of love and the sweet sorrow of ephemeral beauty. Now in the blue vase, […]


Top o’the morning to ya!

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What praises should I sing first for the merits of this awesome breakfast “special”? The fact that it’s ah-mazingly high on the scale of healthy, nutritious, energy-packed AND delicious? Should I rhapsodize about the appetizingly inviting good looks? I mean, the indigo of the blackberries coupled with the immaculate white of the Greek yogurt and […]


Handsome farmer, fresh-picked mushrooms

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Ah, the Farmers Market! I could skip step when I walk through the row of colourful stands! Maybe even do a twirl if I happen to wear a chiffon polka-dot dress as I did today. I want to see and buy everything! The chives with dirt still clinging to their roots, the ripe tomatoes with […]


All things wild and free

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The difference between a weed and a decorative plant or flower is only a matter of interpretation. At one time all flowers were weeds until someone decided to notice their beauty and cultivate it. For me, a fascination and affinity for all things that grow wild and free has been there since the beginning. I […]


Refreshing Kale Cranberry Salad

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Most salads can be labeled as “refreshing” but this one earns top marks for the energy boost and palate delight. These days, kale is climbing the charts and quickly becoming the darling accessory for salads and other healthy combos. It has already reached the match-made-in-heaven pairing: Quinoa and Kale and I suspect they plan to […]


Natural oils: the ancient secret of great skincare

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I enjoy making these skincare elixirs as much as I relish smoothing them over my skin and catching the subtle scent of essential oils emanating in the air while I do so. A few years ago, as I learned more about the chemical cocktails that make up about 95 of our skincare and cosmetic products […]


Life reflected in cherries

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I don’t know where the expression “Life is like a bowl of cherries” originated. Maybe I should tap into the universal source of indiscriminate knowledge and…google it! But regardless of the origin of this expression, coming down into the kitchen this morning, and seeing the bowl of cherries on the counter, in a flash of […]

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