Top o’the morning to ya!

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What praises should I sing first for the merits of this awesome breakfast “special”? The fact that it’s ah-mazingly high on the scale of healthy, nutritious, energy-packed AND delicious? Should I rhapsodize about the appetizingly inviting good looks? I mean, the indigo of the blackberries coupled with the immaculate white of the Greek yogurt and the red lipstick of the strawberries never looked so good! Or should I just inform you that consuming it will raise your energy level to ‘I-can-do-anything’ heights, give you flawless complexion, reveal the meaning of life and help you meet Mr. or Mrs. Right? If you already have met your lucky counterpart then…just be nice and share with them, will you, please!?

If you’re not already sold or you’re playing hard to get….fine! Here’s my final offer: It can be made ahead of time and will last you several glorious mornings! Just slide, roll, jump or fall out of bed, brush your teeth, open the fridge and there it is! Ready to make your day! Trust me on this!

What must you do to achieve this level of morning satisfaction?

Have these ingredients on hand:

–          Greek yogurt (or your favourite substitute)

–          Blueberries (fresh or frozen)

–          Almond slivers (or mixed nuts slivers if you prefer)

–          Strawberries (can also be peaches, pineapple, or any other fruit)

–          Honey (optional – or maple syrup)

–          Jars with a firm lid (can be mason jars, for example, or any other glass jars with a good lid)

Let the fun begin:

Layer the bottom of each jar with half a cup of blackberries, add about 2 tablespoons of the almond slivers or nuts mixture, thinly slice 1-2 strawberries and top the nuts, now add half a cup of Greek yogurt and finish it off with a teaspoon of honey and a sliced strawberry and/or a few blueberries.

If you have other fruits on hand, substitute and create your own rainbow. This would also taste great with a layer of homemade granola added to the mix! Note to self to add this next time.

Refrigerate overnight or consume right away. The nuts soak up the fruit juice overnight and the mixture combines all the flavors to create a great incentive for you to wake up!