Before sunrise

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Roses are in bloom. An abundance of colours, a treat for the eyes. The blooms stand out from the green leaves in bright reds, peach hues, pinks and yellows with the occasional white surprise.  Petals fall in the grass below and I want to gather them all up and mix them with my bath salts. I want to hold on to their brief presence just a little longer. Keep the colour and the memory of their subtle perfume. Bathe in it and emerge brand new.

On the morning walk I noticed a colony of ants going about their industrious dealings in the middle of the boardwalk and thought: “Guys, you could have found a better place to set up shop. There will be casualties among your ranks from unsuspecting pedestrians. Your day may not get off to a good start at this rate”. But, maybe ants don’t stress about such trivial matters as life and death. Maybe they “don’t perspire the small stuff” to quote a friend. It’s possible that they live in a state of perpetual zen. Here and now. No concept of anything else. Hm… I may want to be an ant when I grow up.

A happy dog passed by, all smiles, fur bouncing with glee, going about his business – which is no business at all, other than thoroughly enjoying his walk. I smiled back, answered his owner’s greeting, and wondered: Is there more unbounded happiness than that of a dog on a morning walk?

Other snapshots on my memory card include a cream coloured mushroom perched high on a thin, long stem. It reminded me of curious leprechauns and Brothers Grimm fairytales.

The linden trees are about to flower. And when they do, the air will be filled with their sweet aroma. We will fall in love all over again and live happily ever after sustained by fresh air, blue skies and melting chocolate.

It’s amazing what you can discover when you look at the world before sunrise! When it hasn’t started to tick fully. It’s quiet and tame. Dreamy. About to open its eyes – full of anticipation. To greet you with a cup of coffee. Take you as you are: pajamas, sleepy eyes, blurry mind.

Wake up and welcome it in! See what it’s got! It’s a treasure-find kinda life. Put on the pink coloured goggles and go to town!