Fields of sunshine

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Look closely to discover how beautiful and rich is the world of wild flowers. God’s garden of Eden, uncensored, un-pruned, free to reach for the sky, to dance in the rain or swing in the wind. To drink the morning dew and emerge with the sunrise like a realized dream.  To be the playing field of butterflies and industrious bees or the backdrop of rainbows and ferries.

We label as “weeds” what we cannot tame in ourselves and nature alike. Unaware of the untamed freedom that lies within the natural order of things, in their default setting or basic programming. We constantly manicure our lawns in an effort to maintain the outer order within. We make plans and we check off to do-s from endless lists, from complex exercises in futility meant to fill our days and our lives with “purpose”.

Of course, this intricate web of actions makes sense in the reality we constructed. But how many of us have pulled the car over on the side of the road, thew our shoes off and run, barefoot, through the un-manicured fields of grass, through the wild and beautiful landscape we rarely acknowledge? How often have we ran trying to catch up to the horizon line, where the sky meets the earth? Never. Maybe when we were kids and we believed that it may be possible to touch the sky or reach the cotton-candy clouds.

I suddenly remember a verse from a song. Goes something like this: “There’s freedom within….” It’s a folksy song, a ballad for sunshiny days and free spirits with an underlying note of melancholy. The summer has gone by when we weren’t looking.