Chickpea lemon garlic salad

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There is such a thing as a low calorie, nutritious AND delicious meal. Look no further than this chickpea salad that’s packed with nutrients from healthy ingredients, is extremely low in fat and tastes great! And if this was not reason enough to go for it, we should note that it lasts at least a […]


Tomato basil salad

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Tomatoes, the ubiquitous darlings of universal cuisine, the golden fruit of choice for everyone under the sun – with the exception of a few lost souls who may not like them. And for those, there is this thing called therapy to help mend their ways. But….let us veer back to my favourite subject du jour: […]


Sunshine salad

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This, dear friend, may look like an ordinary salad. Perhaps even the most discerning gaze wouldn’t guess its secret at first glance. Hidden, as it is, in the rainbow of colours and leaves. But this is a special salad, indeed. One I excitedly looked forward to making ever since I walked through the garden this […]


Lazy man’s breakfast

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You’ll notice I didn’t say “lazy person’s breakfast”. I chose to indulge men on this one. And it’s with good reason. Does one have any idea what women need to do in the morning just before they start the day?! Well, if you’re a woman you know this, but, it bears repeating for a sobering […]


Presto, here comes the pesto!

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How did I get turned on to Pesto? I haven’t the foggiest idea, mate! How does anyone get turned on? The mind just lights up with a new idea and, presto! Now we’re on to pesto! I joke…Actually, I recall that moment quite well. It was the beginning of a perfect summer day. If there […]


Zucchini pesto

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Get ready to marvel! This, at last, is the recipe to try when you feel like you have no time, the earth is spinning way too fast and your life lacks a certain je ne sais quoi called luster…Well, I’ve got the answer! Your life is missing zucchini! That’s your problem! Don’t rush to thank me just […]


Sweet Potato Quinoa Salad

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This recipe goes to show that more good things can come out of a simple nap than one may imagine! One cold, gray winter afternoon, nudged by two purring cats and a warm, inviting bed, I decided to put the world on hold, curl up and drift off to sleep. This is to be qualified […]

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