Life reflected in cherries

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I don’t know where the expression “Life is like a bowl of cherries” originated. Maybe I should tap into the universal source of indiscriminate knowledge and…google it!

But regardless of the origin of this expression, coming down into the kitchen this morning, and seeing the bowl of cherries on the counter, in a flash of delight at their inviting presence, I drew my own reasoning as to why.

If “life is like a bowl of cherries” then it must be quietly beautiful and full of surprises! Interspersed with nuances of sweetness and luster. It must reflect the light in vivid hues of passion but retain the comforting warmth of things precious and close. Self-contained, like a universe, yet leaving so much still to be discovered.

If “life is like a bowl of cherries” then it contains no fear. Only excitement, anticipation and hope. It inspires me to take it on! To embrace its promise. To savour it!

Whomever thought of this analogy saw life as an endearing bouquet of possibilities. The worms are left to the apples, the pits to some other fruits, while the cherries represent an offering of sweetness – and all things wonderful.