Learning to meditate

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learning to be present

Meditation, for masters and novices alike, is the practice meant to deepen our awareness of the present moment. Knowing that all the riches and gifts of grace stem from this realization. Maybe some never pick up the practice or give it up easily because they relate it to the impossible task of tuning out the flow of thoughts from their busy minds and a very sore and stiff behind – after trying to stay still in the uncomfortable eternity of five minutes or so.

I think we should start by expanding our awareness when engaging in all the mundane tasks of everyday life. And then the readiness to be still may come. It would be easier to teach someone to tune and focus their senses when sliding into a warm bath, biting into an apple or taking the first sip of  coffee in the morning, than attempting to teach meditation.

The escape from the rapidly spinning world all around us or the slowing down of the 24 hour merry go round can happen only by cultivating these moments of stillness within the everyday tasks. From here, given the satisfaction and contentment we eventually discover, the deepening of the practice will follow.

The image I used here to define my point is deliberately blurry, the warm colours flow into each other without sharp delineations or contrasts. This picture captures my first thoughts of the day, equally out of focus, unhurried, because no pressing matter and no particular place to be was pulling me out of my quiet reverie. Only the easy course of simple movements as I slid out of the warm bed, took in the overcast light of the sky filtering through the branches of the trees outside, and smiled at the new day. This is Thanksgiving day and my heart would have to expand infinitely in order to contain all that I’m thankful for.

And so, today I had a hot cup of lemon water and noticed how a yellow leaf from the linden tree in my garden fell slowly to the ground. That was my meditation. Pick yours, and let us become enlightened.

learning to meditate, how to meditate, present moment, mindfulness