Beauty and the beholder

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Among today’s blessings and delights, I can count picking herbs from my own garden and placing them in a vase to add their beauty and delicate scent to the space they will define. Ethereal sage with velvet leaves and the dreamy colour of enchanted mornings or lavender sprigs whose fragrance awakens the soft murmur of the heart to sing. Breathing in their scent fills me with lightness and bliss. It slows down the peripheral hum of the world and anchors me in the infinite peace of the present moment.

These beautiful herbs have been adorned by the sun as it rose and passed across the sky and by the moon when it reigned over deep, starry nights. Everything is connected and interrelated. Every breath we take  pulsates with the rhytm of the universe. We were born with hearts of immeasurable span – so we can contain it all. Today, it was the tranquil joy of an autumn day, fresh picked herbs and the freedom found  in the here and now.