‘Antiquing’ is a contact sport

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The term ‘Antiquing’  has become a word, a verb, an action popular with creative souls, ambitious domestic deities, daytime home & garden talk show hosts and just about anybody on you tube. I thank them all for inspiring the rest of us to take something perfectly new – and hopefully functional -and turn it into […]


Bedroom romance

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I found this image at once beautiful and idyllic. Like a song you’ve never heard that woos  your heart into butterflies and you don’t want it to end. It’s a whimsy symbol of romance, of a bird that hearts another bird, as old as time, as old as our fierce, embattled and forever-hopeful hearts. Two […]


“What dreams may come”

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Nadia is an old lady who walks up and down my street picking flowers from the neighbors’ gardens, with a leash wrapped around her hand. Last time I saw her, I found one of these flowers in my purse when I arrived home.  I don’t know if it fell there when I hugged her or […]


Kick-ass potato salad

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                      Ok! This is no potato salad you bring home to meet mother! Or prance around at granny’s 86th birthday party. All decent folks would be shocked to see the combination you have chosen for this otherwise benign tuber. You only share it with your […]


Before sunrise

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Roses are in bloom. An abundance of colours, a treat for the eyes. The blooms stand out from the green leaves in bright reds, peach hues, pinks and yellows with the occasional white surprise.  Petals fall in the grass below and I want to gather them all up and mix them with my bath salts. […]


The space between us

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This vase was probably made by a peasant who lives in a village somewhere, deep into the Carpathian mountains. His days have an orderly and predictable symmetry. Wakes up just before the break of dawn, yawns, puts on his trousers, pets his dog. His morning is filled with familiar sounds and his mind is blissfully […]


“Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind”

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Summer! Summer, with its endless days of sunshine. When everything becomes lighter and the world makes sense just a little bit more. In the lazy flow of bright afternoons, complications lose their grip, we relax, we melt into the arms of hope and reawaken old dreams. Lit up from within, we savour fleeting moments of […]

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