To Lenny, with love

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Oh, Leonard, you, eternal lover, caressing the strings of my heart with your voice, making love to my psyche until I fall without resistance at your feet, like a silk scarf stolen by the wind, like a woman’s dress when she succumbs wholly to her fate, like a leaf in the fall dancing its final […]


Fields of sunshine

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Look closely to discover how beautiful and rich is the world of wild flowers. God’s garden of Eden, uncensored, un-pruned, free to reach for the sky, to dance in the rain or swing in the wind. To drink the morning dew and emerge with the sunrise like a realized dream.  To be the playing field of butterflies and […]


Zucchini pesto

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Get ready to marvel! This, at last, is the recipe to try when you feel like you have no time, the earth is spinning way too fast and your life lacks a certain je ne sais quoi called luster…Well, I’ve got the answer! Your life is missing zucchini! That’s your problem! Don’t rush to thank me just […]


Love on a Monday morning

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On a Monday morning, I woke up to find that the world had renewed itself. Things seemed exactly the same at first glance but when I looked closer I noticed that it was made out of awe-inspiring fragments of thought…images, feelings, magic. I knew that I’d need forever to discover it and piece it together. To understand it. […]


Here’s to you, Missy!

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I found this dresser on a local trading site, sold by a Jamaican lady named Missy who greeted me with the familiarity and warmth of her country of origin and readily shared her wows, dreams, frustrations and medical conditions within the five minutes we spent together. She wants to live in Costa Rica with her […]


Spice up your life

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I wonder if there are still people out there who make their coffee the old fashioned way, with a bulky machine and a paper filter…waiting for it to trickle into the pot, to purr and beep when it is done and infuse the house with its aroma. A special ritual any given morning. …Well, there […]


Sweet Potato Quinoa Salad

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This recipe goes to show that more good things can come out of a simple nap than one may imagine! One cold, gray winter afternoon, nudged by two purring cats and a warm, inviting bed, I decided to put the world on hold, curl up and drift off to sleep. This is to be qualified […]

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