Sunshine salad

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This, dear friend, may look like an ordinary salad. Perhaps even the most discerning gaze wouldn’t guess its secret at first glance. Hidden, as it is, in the rainbow of colours and leaves. But this is a special salad, indeed. One I excitedly looked forward to making ever since I walked through the garden this […]


Life is beautiful

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Sometimes, I’ll be driving, walking into a room, running up the stairs, listening to a song, looking at the clouds in their ever-changing hues as they pass slowly across the sky, I’ll be watching the small boats in the peer clustered together, swinging slowly in the morning breeze, their colours reflected in the metallic surface […]


Lazy man’s breakfast

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You’ll notice I didn’t say “lazy person’s breakfast”. I chose to indulge men on this one. And it’s with good reason. Does one have any idea what women need to do in the morning just before they start the day?! Well, if you’re a woman you know this, but, it bears repeating for a sobering […]


Presto, here comes the pesto!

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How did I get turned on to Pesto? I haven’t the foggiest idea, mate! How does anyone get turned on? The mind just lights up with a new idea and, presto! Now we’re on to pesto! I joke…Actually, I recall that moment quite well. It was the beginning of a perfect summer day. If there […]


Wild things

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Seagulls were lined up on the peer, taking in the afternoon breeze and the heavy light of the sun – which was too close to the ground at that time of the day. We walked, squinting, and our hands moved in quick gestures, spreading the words that flowed from our mouths and dissipating the indignation we […]


I heart pigeons

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Childhood, hazy memories seen through the mist of time like a faraway land we visited once, full of wonder, anticipation, promise and magic, governed by faith in a future that held no compromise, only dreams come true and triumphs larger than life. A land we’ll never see again this time around. Looking back, through the […]


Shopping for salvation

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Contrary to popular belief, as far as I’m concerned, “they” don’t call it Salvation Army because of the altruistic, save-the-world purpose that it was intended to be. They call it Salvation Army because of me! This…army of benevolent humans exists for the sole purpose of staging exciting treasure hunts, planting great finds, from books to […]

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