IMG_9708 (1) IMG_9706 (1) Charcuterie board best

Charcuterie Board

I know, right?! It sounds so fancy: “charcuterie board!” Oh La La! And yet! Allow me to let you in on a secret! The art of entertaining has quite a few hacks and shortcuts that are the best kept secret of effortless entertaining. How can you create – and present – a charcuterie board?!? Simple! […]


Chickpea lemon garlic salad

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There is such a thing as a low calorie, nutritious AND delicious meal. Look no further than this chickpea salad that’s packed with nutrients from healthy ingredients, is extremely low in fat and tastes great! And if this was not reason enough to go for it, we should note that it lasts at least a […]


Tomato basil salad

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Tomatoes, the ubiquitous darlings of universal cuisine, the golden fruit of choice for everyone under the sun – with the exception of a few lost souls who may not like them. And for those, there is this thing called therapy to help mend their ways. But….let us veer back to my favourite subject du jour: […]

learning to be present

Learning to meditate

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Meditation, for masters and novices alike, is the practice meant to deepen our awareness of the present moment. Knowing that all the riches and gifts of grace stem from this realization. Maybe some never pick up the practice or give it up easily because they relate it to the impossible task of tuning out the […]


The perfect day

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And at the end of the day, all is quiet. The sun has gone to sleep behind the horizon line. The black fluttering silhouettes of wings against the orange sky are all gone and even the last bird has reached home by now. I let the shimmering beauty of the day settle, like magic dust, […]


Beauty and the beholder

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Among today’s blessings and delights, I can count picking herbs from my own garden and placing them in a vase to add their beauty and delicate scent to the space they will define. Ethereal sage with velvet leaves and the dreamy colour of enchanted mornings or lavender sprigs whose fragrance awakens the soft murmur of […]

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